Monthly Archives: February 2021

REACH Is There – GHS Comes!

Experts discuss the Essen Haus der Technik (HDT) turns in a lecture event with well-known experts on the persons concerned and tries to clarify central issues in the HDT new EU chemicals regulation. Every day thousands of chemicals used, about which there is often insufficient information. This will change: the EU Member States have agreed on a binding rules on chemicals: the so-called REACH regulation provides for a better information base and taking the industry accountable. The Essen Haus der Technik (HDT) turns in a lecture event with well-known experts on the persons concerned and tries to clarify key issues. The aim of reach is clear: trade in chemical substances should be – designed safer and the EU. REACH stands for registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals. It only substances into circulation may be brought, to which a sufficient record exists. Required data for all materials is sent in one Amount of more than one tonne per year being produced or imported into the EU.

Here are the companies in the duty to register these substances in a central database. Also, more than 30,000 chemicals on the test to be made, who arrived before 1981 on the market. So far, only the so-called new substances which were first marketed after 1981, needed to be studied on their environmental and health impact. The response to the regulation varies. Industry, policy, environmental groups and scientists discuss the possible consequences of the regulation has long been lively. The uncertainty is great just on the chemical industry, confronted them but according to expert estimates by REACH costs of around eight billion euros. Because a number of questions arise of course”, says Dr. Reinhold Ruhl by the Professional Association of the construction industry.

The Essen Haus der Technik called therefore a lecture event in the life of professional guides. On March 12, 2008 are renowned experts in food, the participants an insight into the current state of the discussion to convey and clarify existing questions. The REACH regulation is here! “, so Dr. Ruhl.” Now it comes for all concerned, to make and to evaluate the changes mainly factual.” What changes with REACH? How can possible disadvantages are balanced or avoided? What are the consequences of the regulation for manufacturers, buyers and users of chemicals? The range of questions concerning the proposed EU regulation is great. The Essen Haus der Technik (HDT) addresses these questions in a lecture course under the direction of Dr. Reinhold Ruhl. A day later, on March 13, 2008, that is globally harmonised system of classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS) “in the Center.” New symbols, signal words, include the introduction of warnings of danger (hazard statements) and safety advice (precautionary statements) to the core elements of the GHS, as well as Hazard classes hazard classes (), which describe the nature of the danger and risk (hazard categories) are into categories. It aims to adopt the GHS regulation by the end of 2008. The event will be led by Mr Dr. Volker J. Soballa of the Evonik Degussa GmbH in Essen. “” The detailed program of events get interested on request at the Haus der Technik, Tel. 0201/1803-344 (Mrs Ramzi), fax 0201/1803-346, E-mail: or on the Internet at search keyword REACH “or” GHS”.

Clarified The Cause Of Influenza Epidemics.

Current information from the health expert group the result of the recently published study of at Oregon State University is unique: dry air supports the vitality of the influenza pathogens and promotes their dissemination this! It was of the opinion that it is back to lead the mass spread of the flu virus on the accumulation of people indoors during the winter months, and the mutual contagion for decades. As another aspect, the weakening of the immune system was considered by lack of sunlight. These factors are but actually only secondary to write a review! The most important parameter is the factor of dry air”! The water content of the air is much lower than in the summer in the winter months. The virus can survive longer in these conditions, and increases the risk of infection. As a solution, the Forscherdie call fact that a significant reduction of viruses found in schools, kindergartens and clinics, where sufficiently sized humidifiers were used. Questions on the subject of air humidification and device selection? Request here the 38seitigen Guide to the topic for free at:


The game of seduction is not a magical game, where will magically you get the women you want, it is obvious that there are men that their skills with women are much better than those of the majority of the men, and on the other hand there are men who are looking for the magic solution to all their problems with women (when in reality the problem part of them), as long as you have this mold of thought you deportment not enough for results, and I mean that thou shalt not take enough action to go and have the courage to talk to women. Once you’re good with women, and I am referring to women in plural (because if you’re good with women in general, will be good with any woman), you’ll realize that everytime you meet new women they will feel an attraction to you, obviously you will not say: Hey make me love at this very moment (perhaps some do)(, but most of the time will not happen), but you’ll see with the experience and reference points that you’re getting with women they will be detecting that you’re a man who knows to express themselves properly with any woman and that if there are many women who are behind you is something, is because you know treat women well, remember that all this happens most of the time in a completely unconscious period. Your job then is to obtain characteristics of a man of value, trust, responsibility, and intelligence who knows how to make a woman to die of pleasure. As I said before, this is not magic, you’ll have to go see that over time you become better and better, all of this gradually, and will be then that when what you least expect already you’ve built attraction with any woman you know. If you want to learn how to attract and seduce beautiful women with ease, just make Click here. Original author and source of the article..

Alfresco Community

We have realised incredible improvements in the capacity of extension of Alfresco and in its yield, besides facilitating to the developers the adaptation and the extension of this platform. Yield for the cloud Alfresco Community 4 increases of significant form the general yield of the system. Between the new functions for implementations of the cloud the following are included: Indexing of high performance: new servant of indices of Alfresco, based on Solr Apache, drastically increases to the yield when separating the indexing of the processes of contents.

Integrated job stream: it automates the enterprise processes in which the main thing is the content with Activiti, the servant of 2,0 enterprise processes BPMN leader in Java and of open code. Grouping in clsteres improved: the grouping in clsteres of Alfresco has improved to increase to the reliability and the scalability, and addition is had the compatibility with CIFS in clster. First platform abierta for the publication in social channels Alfresco 4 includes a new expandable service to publish contents and updates of state in social Web sites, like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr and SlideShare. The integrated social processing allows: A simpler process: the publication of social contents now comprises of a job stream of enterprise contents, so that the problem of the publication is simplified to a great extent in several channels.


We all know that matter men look good, and why they pay much attention to the clothes that use, their physical and, above all, your hairstyle. Cutting style that we use always is going to have an impact on the impression that we cause to our surroundings in the person that we have in front. If you want to find out which are the best men hairstyles for 2011 keep reading. One of the most Favorites and that it never goes out of fashion is the classic cut. It is very elegant and suitable for any situation. Hair should be medium to long to make it better. Among the celebrities who use these hairstyles we can appoint Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt.

Hairstyles that are taking much strength at this time are short hair. There are an infinite number of variations that can be assembled and you can always have the style that you like and you characterized. Another key advantage is that you there is to worry about fixing the hair every time, can always be relied on that looks perfect. Also appeared, as all seasons, juvenile hairstyles of all kinds. These hairstyles are acclaimed by teens, and you have to give them that There are very good jobs within their branch. You just have to dare to try them.

As it has been happening these past few years, the hairstyle with layers continues adding popularity. It is amazing how you can create cuts that seem impossible. They added much complexity to the stylist’s, but the results are obvious. Finally, we must not forget the disheveled hairstyle. Kept very installed in good part of society, and the truth is that also look more than enviable creations. Those were the best men hairstyles for 2011, now are aware of what this new year will bring. That do not grab you unawares! Original author and source of the article.

Youve Always Dreamed

Strengthen your will to achieve your dreams, it is one of the methods ma susados by successful people, it is a hard road, but worth. Then some positive affirmations tips are a powerful weapon for achieving your goals and thus achieve prosperity. Below we will explain how positive affirmations you take to live as you want to use you make about your beliefs it forms the basis of your reality and influence significantly on your attitude to life. This happens by the unconscious brain part filters all kinds of beliefs on a daily basis and for all kinds of decisions without us noticing it. The proper use of our beliefs is the basis for achieving our goals and success a belief can enhance the efficiency of any skill that we we possess.

If you think you’re a great writer, this belief can lead you to write stories by hobby, writing for magazines and even become a writer who makes a living by writing. Just as there are positive beliefs that can enhance your skills, there are also negative beliefs that reduce your potential such as fear, guilt, and other beliefs such as lack of confidence, I’m not good for anything, you can block and prevent you progress and reach your goals. If you’re applying for a new job, but think you’re not good enough or does not deserve that job, you do not have sufficient knowledge or that exists in the labour market people much more qualified for that job, this type of belief are those who block and not allow developing the full potential that exists within you. This problem can be easily solved by changing your beliefs what are your beliefs? Who and what is influencing your thinking? You change your beliefs, find hear only positive influences and rodeate of positive people. In what centres your thinking, you art. If you focus on the failure, you fracasaras. If you focus on the triumph, you win. To change your beliefs, quickly, change your thinking and your confidence. Your prospects are made clearer and you’ll be more focused. If you are looking for quality information about loans Economic visit us on benefits of a loan against a traditional bank loan online

Luis Rodriguez Zapatero

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero at his time, answered when asked you by a possible advancement of elections and the replacement of the candidate in pectore in the PSOE, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba as Interior Minister. My desire in advance, have added, maintaining the suspense about the possibility of that announce a foretaste of the appointment with the polls, the economic recovery and job creation during a tenth of a second. I am concentrated on that. That’s what they want to bring forward the majority of citizens. Zapatero has not wanted to reaffirm, as on other occasions, that the elections will take place in March. Moncloa sources consider that reasonableness is straining the legislature, but downplay the fact that will be held in November or March. The President has avoided clear the doubt between both dates, although it has insisted on the need to bring forward some pending laws: such as the reform of collective bargaining. Source of the news:: Zapatero avoids clear uncertainty about an advancement electoral.

Family Holiday

Life tastes with Bavarian delicacies not only the holiday life tastes in the Bavarian Forest, the products which brings forth the nature of the district, a melt on the tongue. Leopold Schuster of the eponymous country Inn in Freyung touches ever across the meadows to find Sorrel or fresh flower buds for its cuisine. Along with meat from the region, herbs from the garden and market-fresh vegetables, he conjures up healthy treats and festive dining experience. Adult will rediscover here the pure taste of food from childhood. “Cook many Inns in the Bavarian Forest to the Bavarian philosophy there is nothing better than what Guats” and bear this in mind especially when shopping the ingredients. In the old Tafernwirtschaft Ehrn”in the open-air Museum of Finsterau the lard baked taste donut best, in the Osserhutte the Mushroom broth”. So each has its specialty, not to be missed. Bavarian Forest displays many more ideas for a new children map exciting and active family holiday on. And what could be better for children to gather new experiences in nature, to be active and to get a feel for his body and the own athletic performance. There is ../wellfitwald/ much to discover in the shaft fit Woods Bayerischer Wald

Strong Cities Strong Country

In Wuppertal the CDU defined himself as a modern city party the CDU Bonn/Wuppertal defined as modern city party”. To meet this requirement, the question must be discussed again and again, what contemporary politics can look like. The Working Group of large cities of the local Association of the CDU and CSU of in Germany (KPV) meets at regular intervals, and sees itself as a kind of discussion platform. The working group consists of the Presidents and CEOs of big cities with more than 200,000 inhabitants, as well as the provincial capital. The April meeting of the Working Group was held in Wuppertal, Germany. Reported in the latest issue of the local leaves (HOUND) Bernhard Simon, Chairman of Council of the CDU Wuppertaler ../fraktionsvorstand, about the event.

Mayor of Wuppertal, Peter Jung, for over 40 years the first CDU-OB in Wuppertal, and since the municipal elections 2004 in Office, presented the guests from all over Germany considers positive developments of Wuppertal. This was also clearly, that the CDU handwriting in Wuppertal brought decisive impulses of the city and created a sense of excitement in the Bergischen Metropolis”, writes Simon. Young stressed that that until today alive Wuppertal tradition of civic engagement and let are possible as involvement and participation in the city. So, tens of millions on the seats of the Opera House, the conversion of the Nordbahntrasse, renovation of Opera and Opera of swimming, Junior College, the Zoo and the by der-Heydt-Museum had flowed through Wuppertal citizens as positive examples. One of the main topics of the Conference was”the thing complex urban development. Under the heading of urban redevelopment West and social City urban development in demographic change in North Rhine-Westphalia”lectured Gunter Kozlowski, Secretary of State at the Ministry of construction and transport of the State of NRW, holistic approaches of modern urban development.

He paid particular attention to the population decline, the changing living and life situations of people as well as the new demands for quality of life in Germany. A representative of the Bonn research firm of empirica informed the Group Chairmen and managing directors from all over Germany to the subject of demographic change”the concrete example of Wuppertal. Bernhard Faller was out clearly the size of the challenges as well as the structural opportunities of urban restructuring in Wuppertal, Germany. “Bernhard Simon, Chief of the CDU Bundestag group was satisfied with the outcome of the event: this meeting is good for Wuppertal: In advance of the NRW tag in August and the upcoming NRW Stadtetag in Wuppertal, we can show our city is as interesting and diverse.” Ansgar Lange

Tourist Office

Narrow-footed to the healing properties of the Harz, bad Suderode lures with cures, wellness and Active holiday in the fine art. Historic steam trains provide deceleration at the arrival. The filigree carving of the lovingly restored wooden balconies on the guesthouses can tell sure as some event from bygone days. Already in 1829, there were first bathing in bad Suderode (district of Harz). Today the guests in the modern spa centre in 32 warm brine of calcium can swim, relax with Qi Gong or massage with warm stones. The BEHRINGER fountain”is among the strongest sources of calcium in Europe. Relief promises the valuable wet especially in disorders of the bones and joints. But also for back, circulatory, respiratory, and now also for burn sufferers there treatment options.

Ayurvedic massage with warm oils and baths in the sound bath attract not only in the cold season. Nordic are also a must such as the Harz walking or hiking on the 245 km of signposted paths Narrow gauge railway in the romantic Selketal and an excursion in the millenial Quedlinburg. You can sniff the smell of old steam horses already on arrival. From Quedlinburg to drive just like to Teatreeoil times on the built in 1885, former Balkan route”with historic trains or railcars to the resort. The medical wellness offer healthy with the 5 pillars of Kneipp”treading water, aroma oil massage, aqua gymnastics, herbal oil bath in the sound bath, Qi Gong, relaxation training, entry into the calcium salt bath and guest card is available including 5 nights from 337 euro.