
Even so says that the peripheral face paralysis presents unknown specific cause, some authors describes some etiolgicos factors, of which they are distinguished iatrogenia, tumor, trauma (Tea et al., 2008) infection (Hong, 2003; Tea et al., 2008; Kennedy, 2010) or auto-immune illness, leading to the neuropatia of face (the Hong, 2003; Tea et al., 2008). According to Aboytes-Melndez & Venezuela towers (2006), the etiology varies between traumatic, neoplsicas and metabolic causes, however most common it is of idioptica origin or Bell, followed of the traumatic one (fragmentos of cranianos trauma, firearm, cutting wound of the face and iatrognicas injury). It is given credit that the paralysis of Bell is caused by the inflammation of the face nerve in the geniculado ganglion, taking to the compression and the possible isquemia and desmielinizao (Tiemstra, Khatkhate, 2007). The Chinese traditional medicine attributes the occurrence of the face paralysis to the exposition to the cold wind that invades the meridians that cross the face interrupts the flow of Qi and blood, hindering the vases and the muscles to receive the suppliment necessary. The treatment is directed to exhaust the Qi through the meridians of the face (Sniezek, 1999).

Qi is the natural force of the life, many times cited as? energy? that it is responsible for all the processes spirituals, physicists, emotional and mental. Balance and harmony depend on the soft and uninterrupted flow of Qi throughout situated specific canals throughout the body. According to theory of the Chinese traditional medicine, the disfuno occurs when it has a disequilibrium in the amount of Qi, or when the flow is obstructed or interrupted, and in this instant that the acupuntura is applied with the function to restore the balance of the energy. In a healthful person, the flow of Qi is uninterrupted in the meridians, and it does not have disequilibria between Yin and Yang, or in the five phases.