Tag Archives: medicine

Brain Tumor Removal

several types of malignant brain tumors with aggressive course and is more common in younger people. The tumor revealed by CT or MRI studies and the first stage operation. In the future, the testimony of irradiation and chemotherapy. One of the decisive prognostic factors is the extent of tumor removal during surgery. But it's not so easy. I was approached by a patient 30 years after 1 -, 1.5 months after tumor removal glioblastoma brain and conducted by irradiation. The first question that arose during my part-time correspondence was as follows – what part of the tumor was removed, and what percentage is left? What is written on this subject distinguished in the statement of the Moscow medical establishments? But there was no answer.

After coming to our clinic in Israel, viewing post-operative tomograms and consulting professor, it was found that the tumor was almost removed and fully visible on the postoperative images. Moreover, the unremoved tumor had radiation, which is fundamentally wrong. The need for reoperation has been solved in five minutes, which plunged into a confusion patient wife, "So soon? We have many times the doctors examined and studied, and here so soon? ". In any case, the patient phoned to Moscow, where the professor said: "If you do not want to" become a flower, "the operation is not disagree ". It was intended to damage the brain tissue and to paralyze the man. That was the catch of all such cases, I believe that the actor and his wife Khabensky, too – the minimum distance of a brain tumor for fear of damage to brain tissue. Fear is certainly justified. But the fact is that today there are methods that minimize the possibility of complications, apparently, surgeons operated on before our patients, with them not just familiar.

Brain surgery in Israel after the ad-hoc surveys are conducted under the most difficult computer controlled navigation, multiple screens, installed in the operating room during surgery the patient is not chemotherapy treatment. But the necessary patient exposure we have to, unfortunately, could not, because to our Russian colleagues have already done it. And in vain, because conduct, then it should not for the rest of the tumor, and after alcohol. 2 months after surgery in the community have control MRI study. Recurrent tumor. Patient all the time active and feels fine. I understand the difficulties of treatment abroad. AND


The unbearable weight Obesity and overweight increase the risk of serious inflammatory damage of joints. Moreover, such damage at the "heavyweights" quickly progress to chronic forms and is often brought up the need for surgery. Examining the 32 thousand people, the French doctors confirmed the existence of a link between obesity and osteoarthritis. Unnecessary pounds do not just contribute to the progression of osteoarthritis, increasing stress on the joints. Subcutaneous fat also affects the activity of inflammatory cytokines – molecules of peptide regulators that contribute to the destruction of cartilage. Healthy cartilage is not like skinny Belly delicious low-fat cottage cheese with leaf lettuce, you show concern about their joints, protecting them from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis – the premature wear of intra- cartilage.

The number of cartilage in the joint decreases as they age. And contribute to this injury, as well as some permanent occupational stress. Today, doctors say to start the treatment of osteoarthritis should be primarily with the restructuring of its diet, the normalization of metabolism and weight loss. By reducing the body weight reduces stress on the joints, but most importantly – improved metabolism in the tissues, and the articular cartilage is slowly but surely recovering. Grow sad – sadness broke his leg, depression, running into a depression, "hits", not only on the mood. It turns out, depends on it, and bone metabolism.

Some researchers believe that the grim and gloomy people prone to depression, have a disproportionately low bone mineral density, which can lead to osteoporosis. They believe that chronic depression may occur violation of intercellular interaction and, consequently, the "wrong" body inflammatory response, which results in – damage and thinning of bone tissue. And that leads to fractures and joint disease. Well, what did not cause for a New Depression? Escape from arthritis twenty years, American scientists from Stanford University, watched by a large group of people aged 50 and above, studying the interrelationship of aging and lifestyle.

Kinetics Insulin

Limitations As with any other form of intensive diabetes treatment, the success of therapy depends on NPVI much parents and caregivers who provide ongoing support of the child. The same goes for older children and adolescents. Satisfactory metabolic control is not achieved, if you can not carry out regular measurements, time to change catheters and reservoirs (cartridges), adjust the dose of insulin to control the amount of food intake and physical activity level. Reluctance to carry out these necessary requirements, or lack of continued support from a team of experienced pediatricians will not allow you to justify the additional cost for this type of terapii.3 And yet, the insulin pump therapy provides an extensive group of motivated children, adolescents and their families an opportunity to solve individual problems associated with daily administration of insulin. The chance to use this therapy should be given to the greatest number of children, because it reduces the risk of chronic complications. Education of parents and children below list of requirements for an introductory course using an insulin pump, placed on parents and children. Children should be involved in training, depending on their degree of cognitive development. Long-term treatment of children and adolescents should be a team of pediatricians with expertise in technical issues, adjustment of dose and application of this therapy in everyday practice, as well as long-term and consistent teaching the entire family. Requirements for elementary education, the use of insulin pump management skills Working hours fanfare selection of catheters and treatment of the Diet (calculation / estimation of carbohydrates) Principles basal / bolus therapy (including circadian variation in insulin sensitivity) Kinetics of insulin and insulin dose self-prevention, detection and treatment of hypoglycemia prevention, detection and treatment Control of hyperglycemia of insulin in accordance with physical activity and exercise control at the time of disease introduction NPVI in everyday life (ie, in kindergarten, in school, at home with their parents, the independence of treatment of diabetes) provided Statyana International Diabetes Association Source: DrugMe.ru

Treatment Of Acacia

Robinia pseudoacacia L. – False acacia Sam. Fabaceae (Leguminosae) – Bean description. A tree, 15-20 m tall, bark greyish-black, longitudinally cracked; young branches Maslinovo-green to reddish-brown. Leaves imparipinnate, 7-21 elliptic or ovate leaves on short stalks, green top, bottom, gray-green. The flowers are white, gathered in many-flowered, drooping inflorescences botryoidal.

Corolla white. Fruit – oblong, flattened laterally, dark brown to black and brown bean-shaped pod with 4-10 seeds. It flowers in May. Distribution. Widely cultivated in gardens, parks, stretches of highway and rail routes to strengthen them against erosion, honey plant, etc. Homeland acacia – North America. Raw materials. Flowers (Flores Acaciae), bark (Cortex Acaciae) and leaves (Folia Acaciae).

Content. In the flowers – an essential oil containing geliotropin, metilantranilat and other flavonoids, tannins, in the leaves – flavonoids and their glycosides (Akatsetin, akatsiin, Robin) in the cortex – siringovaya acid, in the wood – flavonoids – (up to 5% digidrorobinetina. Robinetin and others, tannins). The main action. Expectorant, laxative. Experimental data. The influence of 20% broths, ethereal and alcoholic extracts from the flowers of acacia on blood pressure in cats. It is established that an extract of the broth and have a hypotensive effect, and low blood pressure reaches about 20% of baseline and lasts about 20 minutes. Observed in experiments on rats, that a decoction of the flowers of acacia is a diuretic effect. Empirical data. In folk medicine, flowers and leaves of the acacia is used as an expectorant, antispasmodic and diuretic. Acacia bark in small doses is used in hyperacidity, ulcers of stomach and intestines and constipation, but it must be under the supervision of a physician as the raw material contains highly toxic component – toksalbumin. Acacia is known in Europe since the XVII century as a laxative. Decoction of the leaves (12 g per 500 ml of boiling water) has a very pronounced choleretic effect. Locust resembles Senna action. The bark of the roots can replace the roots likviritsii (licorice). Alcohol extract of young leaves and twigs of acacia can be used for increased acidity of gastric juice. Other authors have noted that leaves, bark and roots of the acacia tree is dangerous to assign to intake, because of their toxicity. The flowers are considered safe. However, there is evidence that when consumed in large amount of food fresh flowers, come headache, nausea and vomiting. Method of application. 12 grams of flowers per 500 ml of water to boil 3 minutes to drink a 10 ml three times daily before meals. Medicinal plants and traditional methods of treatment – Recipes home treatment