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Pregnancy and Haemorrhoids

Most exasperating than a woman it can feel fertile stage in the heat of is knowledge that suffers of hemorroides during the pregnancy. The immense joy that represents to bring a creature to the world turns from a little while to another one into preoccupation because of the hemorroides. This it is a suffering very common in embarrassed women, nevertheless this does not mean that he is not curable. To follow suitably treatments to cure hemorroides during the pregnancy is one of the best options to end the evil. A great percentage of women even usually suffers of hemorroides without getting to be in pregnancy.

Without I engage the clutch, women more frequently undergo the pregnant it on behalf of the additional volume that it generates drinks as it is growing. The hemorroides during the pregnancy occur by the increase in the pressure on the low zone of the heavy intestine, fact that impedes the natural movement of lees, thus forcing to the rectum to make much more force to be able to evacuate the faecal matter. The previous thing results in which many cases of external hemorroides appear during the pregnancy. This does not have to be reason for preoccupation. Some treatments exist to cure hemorroides during the pregnancy and that does not represent to have to conduct an operation, fact that could affect the quality of the pregnancy. There are three prescriptions that allow to eliminate hemorroides during the pregnancy without it drinks must fight in this way.

To consume Cereals The cereals with high fiber content as the wheat bran is essential for the treatment of hemorroides during the pregnancy. A cup of cereals to the day contains of 20 grams of fiber, necessary for the definitive cure of the problem. Oats To consume oats in hojuelas can contribute to the solution of the hemorroides to a great extent. Each oats cup contributes 20 grams of fiber to the day. It is possible to be taken liquefied or boiled. It creates an effective diet for hemorroides To design one " strategy of ataque" in order to cure the hemorroides it is the most effective method. To be very careful in its application means to cure for always this disease or otherwise, the consequences of the same would even appear after been born drinks. To take remedies without having organized a newspaper to cure the hemorroides probably it will cause that the disease does not disappear and that the quality of your pregnancy is not the best one. A treatment for hemorroides exists during the pregnancy that the cure once and for all of natural form, besides favoring the feeding of drinks. Original author and source of the article.