Tag Archives: psychology

Youve Always Dreamed

Strengthen your will to achieve your dreams, it is one of the methods ma susados by successful people, it is a hard road, but worth. Then some positive affirmations tips are a powerful weapon for achieving your goals and thus achieve prosperity. Below we will explain how positive affirmations you take to live as you want to use you make about your beliefs it forms the basis of your reality and influence significantly on your attitude to life. This happens by the unconscious brain part filters all kinds of beliefs on a daily basis and for all kinds of decisions without us noticing it. The proper use of our beliefs is the basis for achieving our goals and success a belief can enhance the efficiency of any skill that we we possess.

If you think you’re a great writer, this belief can lead you to write stories by hobby, writing for magazines and even become a writer who makes a living by writing. Just as there are positive beliefs that can enhance your skills, there are also negative beliefs that reduce your potential such as fear, guilt, and other beliefs such as lack of confidence, I’m not good for anything, you can block and prevent you progress and reach your goals. If you’re applying for a new job, but think you’re not good enough or does not deserve that job, you do not have sufficient knowledge or that exists in the labour market people much more qualified for that job, this type of belief are those who block and not allow developing the full potential that exists within you. This problem can be easily solved by changing your beliefs what are your beliefs? Who and what is influencing your thinking? You change your beliefs, find hear only positive influences and rodeate of positive people. In what centres your thinking, you art. If you focus on the failure, you fracasaras. If you focus on the triumph, you win. To change your beliefs, quickly, change your thinking and your confidence. Your prospects are made clearer and you’ll be more focused. If you are looking for quality information about loans Economic visit us on benefits of a loan against a traditional bank loan online

The Children

The consolidation of the identity of the young, requires that this fortifies its ideals before the difficulties and pretensions that imply the reality where he is inserted, searching always, the solidification of a promising future. Social relations of the Fierro adolescence (1995) detach that soon in the first years of life of the child, more specifically until the entrance of the same one in the school, the family, father, mother, brothers are basic parts, the group most important, represent its only reference. When the child goes for the school, it starts to know new friends, different people of the ones of its familiar conviviality, having an attachment now not more only with familiar, but with other groups, that go taking the place of the familiar unification. ' ' The emancipation in relation to the family, however, in the same way does not produce in all the adolescents. Immediately, the practical ones of the creation if differ very from a family for another one, not favoring in the same way the autonomy of the children, when they arrive at this idade' ' (FIERRO, 1995, p.300). Another point of emphasis detached for Fierro (1995), is related to the arrival of the children to the adolescence, having associated this moment as of bigger occurrence of the familiar attritions. The adolescent one passes if to distanciar a little of the familiar seio, the communication between the same ones diminishes, and in the distance it appears. The young is more independent of its parents. The youngsters are much more independent of the parents who the girls for the fact of that the son for the life all keeps affective bow with the mother. The characteristic autonomy of the adolescence, associated with the distanciamento of the familiar relations, common in many cases, more takes the young to turning aside itself from the communication with the family, searching a relationship fortified, permanent and satisfactory with the group of friends and friends.

Artistic Education

We look for then to emphasize the advantages of a style of exempt life of drugs, being offered tools in the areas of the arts thus showing, an alternative of healthful life through development of the creative potential of the adolescents. 1,2 GENERAL OBJECTIVE To work the prevention to the use of drugs in schools of average education through action to multidiscipline, in the direction to inform and to acquire knowledge professional of the education, parents and pupils on the reality of the chemical dependence. Offering to the young factors of protection against the use of Substancias Psicoativas (SPA) through the art. 1.3 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES? To diagnosis the incidence of the use of SPA between the students. To identify to which the existing factors of risk in the pertaining to school and familiar environment making a parallel between the two chosen schools (particular and public net). To elaborate an action plan effective to what it will be able to come to be a permanent program of prevention in the chosen institutions of education. To enable the professionals of the education in the direction to identify and to guide students in possible situations of risk or that already they are in the use of you substantiate. To guide the parents on the reality of the chemical dependence as illness and social problem, also working rescue of values.

To bring to the parents information on characteristics of the adolescence as well as common riots as TDAH. To bring the information of playful and conscientious way, regarding the use of SPA and chemical dependence. To offer actions that can awake potential creative locating the art, in its more diverse sources, as alternative to the SPA use. To insert in the lessons of Artistic Education the orientation for the development of the creative process of the pupils. To stimulate the pupil to make the transposition of its agreement on the chemical dependence for an artistic vision.


Probably each of us once in my life I wondered – who we are and what we live? Life is not a coincidence. Everything that surrounds us contains a life, even a stone and a piece of plastic. The entire universe – is a huge body of reasonable beings, which we call God. We do it small pieces – the living cell or cells, and cells play an equally important role for the Creator, as well as our own blood cells, for which we ourselves are gods. If these cells blood fail to fulfill their part in our body, we get sick, and our body begins to break down. When we cease to perform his or her part – a place in the universe, where we are, too, begins to disintegrate. But Do we let the ailment spread throughout the body? No! We will try to heal themselves, but when cells become cancerous – have to remove them.

The same universe comes against us – if the person becomes a cancer cell, from him the spirit of the great rush to get rid of. Conversely, good work will be rewarded for dignity – the father of the Creator will do everything possible to create us a favorable space for our creativity. Each of us incarnated on Earth-mother for a particular purpose. This goal is shared by us and the universe. Following her, we play is designed. And if you can somehow assess the level of happiness of man, the only fulfilling the intended be able to get the highest score. But how do we know what we should do, because we do not remember.

Surgery Responsibility

Meckee with its family, this aspect becomes related with the triad, consisting of: patient, family and the responsible team for the surgery, all become involved in the same fight, but each one composing an angle of this process. He also observes yourself, the anxiety and the concern of loss of the voice, ahead of the discovery of the larngeo tumor. She says it is a very important factor for a doctor or any person, being thus, the discovery of left it to the illness tenser and anxious. A hospital psychology explains that in general, the more valued it will be agency, greater will be the anxiety of the patient face its surgery. Depersonalization of the Meckee doctor Was very impactante to learn to adjust the rules of the institution, started namely how much it is delayed and bureaucratic to fill hospital fiches, it lost its statos of famous doctor and was obliged to seat in a chair of wheels. It felt discomfort to undress ahead of unknown people, considered inconvenience the same the fact to divide one room of wait with another patient, therefore it was with shame and it did not want to be recognized. It was perceived concern of the same with the procedure of its surgery and in this same scene, turns it question of the invasion of the body, the confidence and the authorization, moment this characterized by participativa delivery of the surgical patient. Increase of the gravity of the illness Living in the quality of patient and under effect of the anaesthetic, Meckee if scares ahead with equipment of examinations that do not condizem with its illness, becoming aggressive of an error in the exchange of fiches, beyond person without illusions with treatment tax and invalid for its in case that, he were more annoying with its doctor who simply only asked for excuses and she said to it that its tumor is malignant.

Ovarian Cancer

The gynecological cancer more aggressive and lethal of all the gynecological tumors, even so less frequent than the cancer of the col of the uterus. It is found related to the breast and to the endometrium, it is an urban illness. It is difficult of being diagnosed, and about 3/4 of the tumors they are presented in advanced period of training at the moment of the initial diagnosis, acomete 25% of the women with less than 40 years of idade.FATORES OF RISK: hormones, environment, greasy diet, women with difficulties to engravidar, familiar history of breast cancer, relative in first degree with ovrio cancer, about 90% of the ovarianos tumors they are sporadical, that is, they do not present factor of recognized risk. About 10% they present a genetic or familiar component. The presence of cysts in the ovrio, sufficiently common between the women, does not have to be reason for panic, only exists when they are greaters that 10cm.PREVENO: It is practically inexistent, however women must be intent to the risk factors and to consult its doctor regularly, mainly the women above of 50 years.

The call gynecological preventive examination (Papanicolau) does not detect the cancer of ovrio.TRATAMENTO: Surgery, x-ray, chemotherapy, hormonioterapia, depending on the estadiamento of the tumor, age and clinical conditions of the patient, and if the tumor it is initial or recurrent. If the illness will be detected at the beginning – especially in the women youngest – is possible to only remove the ovrio afetado.ASPECTOS PSYCHOLOGICAL: In if treating to gynecological tumors, as of ovrio, many psychic aspects are had to be considered as on to the feminilidade, agency of reproduction, maternity, etc. Thus, the psychological support must focar these nuances and make to see to the patient others as many alternatives for one better quality of life. Suely Bischoff Axe of Oliveira sbischoff@ itelefonica.com.br Psychologist CRP 06/8495 After grad.por the Hosp.de a.C.Camargo Cancer.