Easter: Fasting

To Easter fasting and fasting hiking in Corsica – how newbie by hiking without solid food Easter: the traditional ideal time to get a fasting to treat Bastia / Corsica (Sylvia Mintz) – in the holiday resort of Rico Plage at the foot of the Castaniccia, on the East coast of Corsica, gathered a lively folk – and waiting anxiously the things that come here: A \”last supper\” consisting of a fresh Apple, the culinary delights served as if it were a unique delicacy from the \”haute cuisine\” France. For more information see this site: PCRM. In the morning, then the first \”rich\” breakfast, consisting of a glass of fresh Corsican source water with Glauber’s salt (!) as well as a freshly brewed mint tea. The twelve people take it all with humor. You are finally Andre records storage, fast hiking guide and nutrition coach, who is specialized on the fast walking and knows the island inside out. Everyone knows what he has admitted.

Instead of the usual diet, perhaps even supplemented\”by cigarettes and \”Alcohol, there is now a week or two for veteran fasting\”. Instead, there is plenty of water, has tasty and varied teas, which even come tea ring and a coffee drinker on the taste, as well as, depending on the type of fasting for the individual guest choose fruit and vegetable juice or vegetable broth. For this purpose, his personal Constitution information-type specific form of fasting in an individual interview with each participant is selected on the first evening. \”Fasting is by no means a new fashion\” is, but as old as the history of mankind, has now got around. In the known ancient cultures fasting was announced each year at the end of the winter, often already alone because the stocks being depleted were. Every healthy man is set up so that he himself may exist for several weeks out, without taking damage.